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German Labour Law

Business in GermanyGerman Labor Law

Germany introduces minimum wage in January 2015

After 10 years of heated discussion Germany will implement a nationwide universal minimum gross wage (flächendeckender Mindestlohn) of EUR 8.50 per hour starting 1 Januar 2015. The act still needs to be formally passed but is expected to go through without relevant changes. Thus the details of the future „Tarifautonomiestaerkungsgesetz“ can already be found in the government draft of the bill here. There will be transitional provisions and some exceptions for certain business sectors. Fore…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 24, 2014
German Labor LawGerman Law

German Labour Law: The Basics of Employee Protection against Dismissal

Here is a general overview on German law on employee protection against dismissal. Entrepreneurs please mind: this legislation wasn’t our idea, we are just trying to explain it! 1. General protection against dismissal ("Kündigungsschutz") While the special protection against dismissal deals with the restrictions to dismissal from which only specific employees benefit (e.g. members of a works council, pregnant women), the general protection against dismissal applies to all employees who fall under the scope of…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 11, 2012