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claims against German estate

Conveyancing GermanyEuropean ProbateGerman ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance LawInternational ProbateProperty in Germany

Can an inheritance in Germany become time-barred?

How long do I have to claim a German inheritance? In international succession and probate cases, it is not unusual that one or more beneficiaries cannot be found for quite some time, either because they have left Germany many years ago and have not stayed in touch with their family, so nobody knows where they now live. Or because the heirs (especially if intestacy rules apply) are very distant relatives, for example third degree cousins,…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
July 3, 2024
German LawGerman ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance LawLitigation in Germany

The German Elective Share

Children and surviving Spouse cannot be entirely disinherited under German Law Germany, like many other European countries (e.g. France, Spain, Austria etc), has mandatory succession laws to stop a person from leaving their spouse and/or their children penniless. These "forced heirship" laws in most European countries reflect public policy that a testator shall not be allowed to leave these close family members (spouse and offspring) destitute by making little or no provision for them in…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
December 23, 2020