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accused of crime in germany

Criminal Law

Prosecuted in Germany?

German defense lawyer Alexander Greithaner specialises in international criminal cases and represents foreign clients in all areas of criminal law. Due to his international family background he is fluent in English, Spanish and, of course, German. First things first: If accused of a crime or misdemeanor in Germany, never make any kind of statement to the German police, German customs (Zoll) or any other German prosecution authority. This piece of advice sounds commonplace but many…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 11, 2018
Civil actionGoing to courtLitigation in Germany

A German Claimant can’t be his own Witness

Civil Procedure Laws and actual Litigation Practice in German Court Rooms is very different from English or US Civil Trials Under the English Civil Procedure Rules, it is common practice that a Claimant provides a witness statement to the court. To the eyes of German lawyers and Judges, this is a strange concept, because German law does not allow parties to provide witness statements as evidence before the Court. Under section 447 German Civil Procedure…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
May 31, 2016
Criminal Law

Arrested in Germany? Accused of a Crime?

German Criminal Proceedings In case you run into trouble with German police or customs authorities the basic rule is - as everywhere - do not speak to them without getting proper legal counsel first. Much less sign anything they put in front of you. Police will put any statement you make into an official interrogation protocol. And, quite often, the wording of such protocol is given a spin that is helping the authorities make their…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
April 15, 2013