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The Experts on Anglo-German Law

CrossChannelLawyers.co.uk, its German language counterpart Cross-Channel-Lawyers.de, and InternationalProbateLaw.com are law blogs (blawgs) dealing with Anglo-German legal issues. A network of international lawyers who are experienced in cross border legal problems and who give practical and reliable advice. The law blogs are run by the lawyers of Graf & Partners, a firm of German lawyers (Rechtsanwälte) with many years of professional experience in cross border legal proceedings, who provide legal advice in a comprehensive, understandable and user-oriented manner. Our experienced team of German litigation lawyers provides forensic services all across Germany and runs the expert litigation law blog German Civil Procedure. Graf & Partners, with its international expertise, is well equipped to advise and represent clients from the USA, the United Kingdom and other English speaking countries. Visit us also on YouTube.

+49 (0) 941 – 463 70 70
German LawGerman ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance Law

The Infamous “Community of Heirs” in German Inheritance Law – And How to Avoid it

A German testator can have more than one beneficiaries, but should never appoint more than one "heirs" German Succession Law does not know the concept of a "Personal Representative". Instead, German inheritance law applies the principle of direct accession (more on this here). That is all very nice and efficient if there is only a sole heir. Or if, in case there are several heirs, they are reasonable and on good speaking terms. If, however,…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
July 27, 2016
Business in GermanyGerman Corporate Law

Crash Course on Duties and Liability of a German Company Director (vs the Director of a UK Limited)

German-British Corporate Lawyers of Graf & Partners (Munich) coach newly appointed directors, CEOs and managers of German and English companies and corporations German Corporation Law and Limited Liability companies hold a number of surprising differences compared to UK or US company law. Have you, for example, ever heard of the German principle of "Kapitalerhaltungsgrundsatz" (i.e. the manager's duty to maintain the minimum share capital)? Well, if you intend to act as the director of a German…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
July 26, 2016
Civil actionGerman LawGerman Tort LawGoing to courtLitigation in Germany

No Win No Fee Agreements are Void in Germany

Contingency fee agreements with litigation lawyers are illegal in Germany No win no fee agreements (contingency fees) between a client and lawyer are prohibited under German law. This has always been the tradition of German law (more here). The reasoning behind this rule is that German lawyers shall not undercut each other, because this would lead to poorly financed law offices providing very poor services to their clients. Also, German lawyers shall not be under the…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
July 26, 2016
German LawGerman Sports LawyersGerman Tort LawLitigation in GermanySports Law Experts Germany

You Keep Your Eyes On The Ball…

... while we'll keep ours on the law for you The German-British sport law experts of Graf & Partners specialise in drafting and negotiating sports related agreements, sponsoring and endorsement deals, sports related litigation and sports event agreements. We consult sports federations, professional sports clubs, major event sponsors and individual professional athletes from many different sports, including football (soccer), ice hockey, golf, baseball, motor sports and winter sports. Since, nowadays, sports law is essentially business…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
July 22, 2016
Business Tax & Fiscal ObligationsGerman Succession & Inheritance LawGerman Tax Law

International Probate: Assets in Germany will be found (and taxed) by German Tax Office

Nowhere to hide from the German Finanzamt If the deceased held funds or owned property in Germany, the German Tax Office (Finanzamt) will find out about it and will - most likely - levy German inheritance tax, even if the deceased was not a German national and even if the deceased was not resident in Germany. We have explained the workings of the German Inheritance and Gift Tax Code (Erbschafts- und Schenkungssteuergesetz) here. Executors are…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
July 6, 2016
Business in Germany

Brexit as a Business Opportunity for British SME’s

British SME's can avoid losing EU customers and business partners by creating a EU subsidiary. And they can get ahead of their British Competitors while doing it. Brexit leaves many British businesses confused and scared about how and in which legal framework they will be able to continue to operate their business within the EU. Many of those businesses will merely wait and see what happens for many months or even years. However, waiting can be…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 28, 2016
Property in Germany

Buying German Property as Brexit Counter-Strategy

If you consider to invest some of your money outside the UK due to Brexit and the financial uncertainties caused by it, purchasing property in Germany may be a smart approach. Property value has been rising steadily, in some German cities (like Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Stuttgart) very significantly. The German economy is strong and finding solvent and reliable tenants is hardly ever a problem for landlords. If you consider purchasing a flat or a house…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 28, 2016
German Probate

How to Renounce the Role as Executor in Germany

If someone who owns assets in Germany dies, these foreign assets will only be released if a German (!) Grant of Probate can be presented. Since the UK has opted out of the EU Succession Regulation, an English Grant of Probate (or Scottish Confirmation) is worthless abroad, just as British financial institutions do not accept non-UK Grants. Thus, in principle, a national Grant of Probate must be obtained in each and every jurisdiction, where the…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 23, 2016
Business in Germany

Corresponding with Germans: How not to come across as being rude

Proper Email Etiquette when corresponding with Business Partners in Germany, Austria or Switzerland Our law firm specialises in British-German legal issues, so most of our email correspondence takes place in English. In many cases, we represent German business clients for whom we liaise with UK business partners, barristers, solicitors, tax advisors, or other consultants. Rule 1: Do not address people by their first name right away German clients, especially if they do not have any…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 23, 2016
Civil actionGerman Corporate LawGerman Labor LawGerman LawGerman ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance LawGerman Tax LawGerman Tort LawLitigation in Germany

Expert Reports on German Law

As a full service German and English law firm, established in 2003, and the editors of the expert blog on German civil procedure rules we are often asked to provide English Law Firms with an expert report based on issues of German Law. Bernhard Schmeilzl, a bilingual Lawyer who qualified in 2001 (admitted to the Munich Bar) and is able to provide expert reports to be used in English litigation and arbitration cases based on…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 2, 2016
German ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance LawGerman Tax Law

Careful with Deed of Variation if Estate comprises Foreign Assets

Using a Deed of Variation in the UK may cause additional Taxes Abroad Let's take an easy example: An English testator owns property or a significant investment in Germany, which already triggers German inheritance tax, even if neither the legator nor the beneficiaries are resident in Germany. He has two children and gives the German house (or flat) to child 1, the German investment to child 2. For whatever reasons, the children prefer a different…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 1, 2016
Civil actionGoing to courtLitigation in Germany

Compensation for a wrecked Car under the German Law of Torts

Car Accidents: How are Damages calculated under German Law? Each year, German police registers 2.2 million traffic accidents (for official 2016 stats see here). German insurers, lawyers and Courts are thus constantly faced with the question how to calculate damage claims after a car accident has occured. If the car can still be repaired, the matter is fairly simple. The Defendant must pay for the costs for a state of the art repair plus the…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
May 31, 2016
Civil actionGerman LawGerman Tort LawGoing to courtLitigation in Germany

German Law of Torts: Are Accident Victims entitled to a New House?

Can a disabled injured person claim for the predicted cost of accommodation or only the actual costs after they have been incurred? Under German law, a person who is impaired by an accident is entitled to adequate housing. The extent and amount necessary for adequate housing depends on what an impaired person would reasonably require. This can be determined by an expert, who will be appointed by a German court. However, a difficult and strongly…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
May 31, 2016
Civil actionGoing to courtLitigation in Germany

A German Claimant can’t be his own Witness

Civil Procedure Laws and actual Litigation Practice in German Court Rooms is very different from English or US Civil Trials Under the English Civil Procedure Rules, it is common practice that a Claimant provides a witness statement to the court. To the eyes of German lawyers and Judges, this is a strange concept, because German law does not allow parties to provide witness statements as evidence before the Court. Under section 447 German Civil Procedure…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
May 31, 2016
German ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance Law

Are Foreign Wills valid in the United Kingdom?

...and will Brexit change anything with regard to recognition of Non-British Wills? To be valid, a Will must bear the signature of two witnesses, right? Well, in principle yes. Section 9 of the Wills Act 1837 (as amended) provides that a Will shall not be valid unless: (a) it is in writing and signed by the testator, or by some other person in his presence and by his direction; (b) it appears that the testator…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
May 18, 2016
Business in GermanyGerman Law

Why are German Contracts so short?

To the eyes of an English or a US contract lawyer, agreements drafted under German law appear shockingly short. This is not due to German contract lawyers being more lazy than their Anglo-American colleagues. Instead, the reason is the concept of Codification. Virtually all legal principles of German private and commercial law are laid down in statute books, most importantly the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB), the Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB), the Code on…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
May 12, 2016
German LawGerman ProbateGerman Succession & Inheritance Law

Most Germans die without a Will

German Intestacy Rules Explained The German rules about what happens when a person dies without having made a valid will (intestacy), are set out in section 1923 to 1936 German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, an English translation being available here. Intestate succession affects many families because roughly two out of three Germans die without having a valid Will in place. German intestacy rules are very different from those in Common Law countries. Children of the…
German LawGerman Tort LawGoing to court

Standard of Proof in German Civil Litigation

Is the Standard of Proof any different under German Law than English Law? The standard of proof in German civil litigation is defined in section 286 German Civil Procedure Rules (Zivilprozessordnung): Section 286: Evaluation of evidence at the court’s discretion and conviction (1) The court is to decide, at its discretion and conviction, and taking account of the entire content of the hearings and the results obtained by evidence being taken, if any, whether an allegation…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
April 19, 2016
Civil actionGerman LawGerman Tort LawGoing to court

Does German Law of Torts know the Egg Shell Skull Rule?

Under English law of torts, a claimant is entitled to pursue a claim for injuries that have been sustained as a result of the negligence, even if their response to the damage they suffered was unusual or not predictable (e.g. due to brittle bone disease, haemophilia or a nervous disease of the injured person). This principle is known as the “egg shell skull” rule and means that the wrongdoer takes the claimant in the position they…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
April 19, 2016
German Succession & Inheritance LawGerman Tax Law

The Perils of German Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax

German Inheritance Tax applies when British Legators (and their Lawyers) least expect it UK and US lawyers are used to an inheritance tax regime where (only) the estate as such is being taxed. Within that system, it does not matter too much who the beneficiary is and where he or she is domiciled. The German Inheritance Tax concept, however, works entirely differently (basics explained here). Instead of taxing the estate itself, it taxes each individual…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
March 22, 2016