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Business in Germany

Business in GermanyGerman Corporate LawGerman LawStarting Business

How to read a German Commercial Register Extract

German Company Register provides reliable, up to date information on all German businesses But it is a difficult read, even for native speakers. Every German company, partnership and association must be officially registered in the Handelsregister (Commercial Register). In contrast to England, where this information is collected centrally by Companies House, Germany uses a decentralised system. The "original" records of a company are kept at the respective local District Court (Amtsgericht) where the company has…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
September 25, 2014
Business in GermanyGerman Labor LawStarting or Expanding Business

Statutory Minimum Vacation Days for Employees in Germany

German Employee Vacation Rights are rather sacred Becoming an employer in Germany can be a bit of a culture shock for foreign entrepreneurs, especially those coming from a more hire and fire oriented US jurisdiction. German labour law is highly regulated. We explained the rules regarding employee protection against dismissal here and described the risky issue of “Fictitious Self-Employment” here. Another fact, that many American or Asian employers can’t get their head around is the…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
August 1, 2014
Business in GermanyGerman Labor LawGerman Tax LawStarting Business

Beware of the horrid Monster of German Labour Law: Ficticious Self-Employment

The biggest fear of any German HR department: Having covert salary employees among their workforce German labour law is strictly regulated and employees are well protected against dismissal if the employer’s workforce exceeeds 10 full time employees (details here). Furthermore, German wage tax (Lohnsteuer), health insurance, social security and state pension contributions are rather hefty (for more see here: Statutory Pension Insurance in Germany). Therefore, to try to avoid these labour costs, some employers but…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
July 24, 2014
Business in GermanyBusiness Tax & Fiscal ObligationsGerman Corporate LawGerman Labor LawGerman Tax LawStarting BusinessStarting or Expanding Business

London Chamber of Commerce: 10 practical tips for doing business in Germany

In this issue of „London Business Matters“, the London Chamber of Commerce's monthly magazine, German corporate and business lawyer Bernhard Schmeilzl has compiled "10 Top Tips when starting a Business in Germany". The magazine also contains helpful information about the trading relations between the UK and Germany. Just browse the online issue. For more details on how to establish a business in Germany please see the articles below 3 Ways to expand your Business to…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
July 23, 2014
Business in GermanyBusiness Tax & Fiscal ObligationsGerman Corporate LawStarting BusinessStarting or Expanding Business

3 Ways to expand your Business to Germany

Establish a real German Company, register a Branch Office or start with a mere Representative Office If you want to sell your goods or services to Germans it is in most cases a huge advantage to be actually present in Germany. A German business address and phone number shows that you are seriously committed to doing business in Germany long term and thus builds trust with customers and business partners. But how to go about…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
July 9, 2014
Business in GermanyGerman Labor Law

Germany introduces minimum wage in January 2015

After 10 years of heated discussion Germany will implement a nationwide universal minimum gross wage (flächendeckender Mindestlohn) of EUR 8.50 per hour starting 1 Januar 2015. The act still needs to be formally passed but is expected to go through without relevant changes. Thus the details of the future „Tarifautonomiestaerkungsgesetz“ can already be found in the government draft of the bill here. There will be transitional provisions and some exceptions for certain business sectors. Fore…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 24, 2014
Business in GermanyBusiness Tax & Fiscal ObligationsGerman Labor LawGerman Tax LawStarting BusinessStarting or Expanding BusinessTrustee & Escrow Services

10 Things to do when starting a German Business

Get started on the fast track If you have read our previous postings "Guide for doing Business in Germany", "Establish a German Limited Company (GmbH): FAQ and Checklist" and "Open a Business Bank Account in Germany?" you already have a pretty good idea how to go about starting your own German business. With this posting we provide ten - personal and probably subjectively biased - practical tips how to get a head start: #1: Choose…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
August 9, 2013
Business in GermanyBusiness Tax & Fiscal ObligationsGerman Corporate LawStarting Business

Establish a German Limited Company (GmbH): FAQ and Checklist

If you wish to establish a German Limited Company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, in short: GmbH) from abroad, you will probably not get very far without the assistance of experienced professional service providers. For more than 10 years the German law firm Graf & Partners advises and assists foreign shareholders and company directors on how to: establish a German company or subsidiary, buy a German company or open a branch office or engage a fiduciary…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
August 7, 2013
Business in GermanyGerman Corporate LawStarting or Expanding BusinessTrustee & Escrow Services

Buying a German Company: A quick Checklist

How to acquire a German Business In case you think about buying or merging with an existing German enterprise there are many legal and tax aspects to consider (for the formation of a new Germany company see here). Below we have compiled a few issues from the perspective of a German lawyer that may be of interest for a potential buyer: What kind of legal entity is the target company? There are various legal forms…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
May 13, 2013