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Business in Germany

Business in Germany

Brexit as a Business Opportunity for British SME’s

British SME's can avoid losing EU customers and business partners by creating a EU subsidiary. And they can get ahead of their British Competitors while doing it. Brexit leaves many British businesses confused and scared about how and in which legal framework they will be able to continue to operate their business within the EU. Many of those businesses will merely wait and see what happens for many months or even years. However, waiting can be…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 28, 2016
Business in Germany

Corresponding with Germans: How not to come across as being rude

Proper Email Etiquette when corresponding with Business Partners in Germany, Austria or Switzerland Our law firm specialises in British-German legal issues, so most of our email correspondence takes place in English. In many cases, we represent German business clients for whom we liaise with UK business partners, barristers, solicitors, tax advisors, or other consultants. Rule 1: Do not address people by their first name right away German clients, especially if they do not have any…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
June 23, 2016
Business in GermanyGerman Law

Why are German Contracts so short?

To the eyes of an English or a US contract lawyer, agreements drafted under German law appear shockingly short. This is not due to German contract lawyers being more lazy than their Anglo-American colleagues. Instead, the reason is the concept of Codification. Virtually all legal principles of German private and commercial law are laid down in statute books, most importantly the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB), the Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB), the Code on…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
May 12, 2016
Business in GermanyGerman Labor LawGerman Law

Notices of Termination under German Law

How to fire an Employee in Germany Under German Law, the requirements, both in relation to the form as well as length of the notice period needed in order to terminate a contract for the performance of a continuing obligation (Dauerschuldvertrag), can vary significantly, depending on the type of contract that is in question. Employment contracts (Arbeitsverträge), Service Contracts (Dienstverträge) and Contracts for the production of a piece of work (Werkverträge) can be terminated without…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
March 21, 2016
Business in GermanyGerman LawGoing to courtStarting Business

Using a German Distributor? Beware of Choice of Law Clause!

What UK Suppliers should know about German Commercial Law You are a UK based supplier using a German-based distribution agent (Handelsvertreter) within Germany? So far, so good. However, in case you have accepted German law to be applicable or if you have chosen to remain silent on the issue of applicable law: Are you aware of what will happen upon termination of the distribution agreement? German law differs significantly from UK law when it comes…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
February 4, 2016
Business in GermanyConveyancing GermanyGerman Law

What is an Ausfertigung of a German Notary’s Deed?

Certification and Legalisation of Documents in Germany German law requires important agreements and declarations to be recorded by a Notary (details here). Parties are sometimes confused or even annoyed that they do not receive the original signed document or even a certified copy of the signed deed, but "only" a so called Ausfertigung. According to the Beurkundungsgesetz (German Act on Notarial Deeds) the signed original (Urschrift) remains with the notary (section 45 I BeurkG). The…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
April 21, 2015
Business in GermanyGerman Law

Graf & Partners LLP at Munich Expat Fair on 22 March 2015

Get Connected. Be Inspired. You’re Invited! That is the motto for the Expat in the City Fair that takes place on 22nd of March at the Alte Kongresshalle in Munich. It will be a one-day experience with information and inspiration for all internationals living in Munich. The people and businesses at the fair, that includes the law firm GRAF & PARTNERS LLP and their English solicitors and German lawyers, can help you make life in…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
March 10, 2015
Business in GermanyCivil actionGerman LawGoing to court

German Limitation Periods are much shorter than in England

When do civil claims become statute barred in Germany? British enterprises doing business within Germany should be aware of the fact that the limitation periods differ hugely between the two jurisdictions. In regards to England, the Limitation Act 1980 states: Time limit for actions founded on simple contract: An action founded on simple contract shall not be brought after the expiration of six years from the date on which the cause of action accrued. This…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
January 23, 2015
Business in GermanyConveyancing GermanyDebt collectionGerman LawGoing to court

English Lawyers in Germany

Solicitor Jelowicki von Grafenstein in Munich Whether you have been involved in a car accident in Germany, need advice on German labour law or other contract matters, plan to start a German business, want to buy a house in Germany or need to swear an oath before an English solicitor, the Munich based law firm Graf & Partners can provide the necessary legal advice and representation. The firm was established in 2003 and speciales in British-German…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
November 7, 2014
Business in GermanyBusiness Tax & Fiscal ObligationsGerman Corporate LawGerman Labor LawGerman Tax LawStarting BusinessStarting or Expanding Business

When starting a Business in Germany: Don’t Forget the Trade Register Notification (Gewerbeanmeldung)

Your new German company is finally registered? Gratulations! But you are far from being done. Under German law (see section 14 Gewerbeordnung, i.e. German Trade Regulation), the commencement of a business activity must be notified in writing (Gewerbeanmeldung) to the local Ordnungsamt (Trades Office), which is a department of the municipal government, for example the city of Munich. This notification obligation also applies to any change in the business (e.g. move, modification to the nature…
Bernhard Schmeilzl
October 31, 2014