Being German means drinking beer from huge steins, driving 120 mph on the Autobahn and wearing stupid looking hats. Right? If you want the truth about Germans, this is the list “What I know about Germans” by the great Australian blogger Olivia Hambrett. She explains it all: from Sauerkraut to naked sauna. For more Anglo expat knowledge on Germany see here and our post “Corresponding with Germans: How not to come across as being rude”
Or ask our colleague Elissa Jelowicki von Grafenstein, an English-Canadian-German Solicitor who studied in Scotland and has Polish family background. She knows what she is talking about when it comes to Germans and how they really think, work and live. She even married one.
[…] nach Deutschland verschlagen hat (“Expats”), wirklich über die Deutschen denken? CrossChannelLawyers hat interessante und amüsante Beispiele […]